Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Xmas to All, and to All An SCTV Night

Al Fish spent a cozy Xmas Eve with Miguelito and Superbigmuch -- hooking us up with SCTV gems like this.

To feel like you were there with us, be sure to hit rewind and replay the Eugene Levy and John Candy solos about 14 times.

Unless you want to keep your friends, that is.

And yes, you geary geekwads, Rick Moranis is Jimi Hendrixing it up and playing his guitar all upside-down and turned around. Happy holidaze!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Maxim 2

Every day dies with sleep. Be sure the emotions do the same.

Maxim 1

Denying that a topic is capable of being debated because humanity lacks the language to handle the debate is by far the most ignorant position to hold. Language is a human invention. If the language is missing, make it.

Fortune Cookie number 2

The selfishness of others cannot be measured by the selfishness of you without expert advice.

Fortune Cookie number 1

When everything seems to be going wrong, stop picking at the wall paper, look at the foundation.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Tag Cloud Produces Enjoyable Backreading

I must say, Nee's indexing has allowed me to re-read and enjoy all over again long-forgotten HIA posts.

We are some funny motherfuckers.

Sometimes I Like to Think of Myself as a Flight Risk

"flight risk /flIt risk/ noun 1. A likelihood of evasion of a course of events by voluntary withdraw, removal or secreting away from a jurisdiction in order to avoid detention, arrest or interrogation, or the institution or continuance of civil, criminal or other proceedings. Also comprehends continued concealment in furtherance of such evasion. 2. A person characterized by the likelihood of such evasion."