Friday, April 4, 2008

French Sorrel

Have any of you hias ever had the pleasure of eating french sorrel? I've added it to my garden this year. Have you ever eaten the weed - sheep sorrel or sheep sour? It has the same flavor. I can't wait to use it in a salad. It has that delicious tartness. It looks similar to spinach. Whats really cool about it is that its perenniel...any kansas anyway.
I'm also trying lovage and burnet. Lovage has a celery flavor, Burnet has a cucumber taste. Also trying chervil, borage, and fennel. Do any of you hias use any of these herbs?


mully said...

i simply adore herbs in a salad, and i have heard great things about sorrel, but i have not tried it.

suspiciously pleased said...

wow - botany boy is well versed in greens!

i have not tried ANY of these things, but they all sure sound fantastic!

i think if botany boy visits this spring/summer, he should bring some greens!!

Boomer said...

i am intrigued by these greens and would like to try them. i did grow fennel in hermosa once. i found a recipe for an orange/beet/fennel salad that was scrumptious. it was hard to share as few people are willing to try beets.

suspiciously pleased said...

i would eat it - i LOVE beets!!

Jeff Hansen said...

beets are the most fantastic veggie there is. people who dont eat beets should be beaten!