Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Gluteal Cleft

On the far side of living the life of "quiet desperation" and near the rung of Mountain Odebt lives the rest of the world - a land often of no ideas and no means. The problem today is not that there is a divide or that the divide persists. The problem is cheek one is sinking and cheek two never got clear. The closer we are together, the closer we are to catastrophe - at least in the aural sense. Answers are easy. Solutions are easy. Action is not. That the "global" group is changing isn't helpful, some of them need to stay home and do some reading. The ones that never left are going to be left again on the stained cheek of the world's sphincter. Where did evil start? Where did the concept of liberty become construed for some and not all? When did we stop living in a world where the cult of personality was subjugated into the cult of celebrity? Whatever it was, I am sure Boomers are to blame, but that won't achieve anything. The time is now to leave all that behind and climb back out of the asscrack of the world.

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