Monday, July 5, 2010


Kaw Region Art Park...K.R.A.P.
(But one man's K.R.A.P. is another man's dream)

Here I am at my Valhalla, Truckhenge

Here is Jeff, the fellow who introduced me to my possible future.

This is Ron Lessman, the man who seems to be living the life I was meant to live.

One of the trucks that comprise Truckhenge

But Truckhenge is more than just trucks, here is Boathenge

There is so much more to see, the Bone trailer, the huge paintings he has done on old tent fabric, and his is a 50 ft. Quonset hut that has a second floor comprised of old mobile home chassis with an elevator made from a forklift.

check out the website:


superbigmuch said...

What's to stop you from making Trailerhenge in Verm? I mean, besides city code?

Sassmaster said...

I'm agog about his use of colored bottles. I want to do something like that...

shining example of human potential said...

well, Sassy M., better get your drink on!

Boomer said...

I am sold on the eleveator forklift. Too cool. But really, what SB said, why not trailerhenge?