Saturday, July 24, 2010

Scenes from Al Fish's 50th Bday Shebang

Fiddles, fainting, a film crew, a video bday song tribute, Fish, and a Spam cake. You know how to throw a fete, Vermillion! Thanks to all who came and all who served, even Officer Jacobs who was a little, ahem, "soft on cake crimes."

Friday, July 23, 2010

Fifty Years of Laughter, Tears, Dry Humping

He lives in a trailer in Vermillion town
Decorated by the Civ
Weekends spent in Dr. Gilbey's spa
Renew your will to live

If Bob and Tom knew my friend Al
They'd have many a tale to tell
A shining example in the human race
We'll never say farewell

Have you heard the tale of Pissyphus
When pee came out of the wall?
Or the workouts in the Jim-nasium
A banging time had by all

He's a friend to bears everywhere
They are his choice of beau
But black kids should be aware
He's fond of the word "Negro"

What he'd do to the baby Jesus
is illegal in some states
But he wrote an ode to Ms. McNicol
And his Brandy takes the cake

Passive aggression is a big pastime
You’ll feel its sting someday
He’s certain that wood paneling
Looks like a va-jayjay

He always gives fair warning
When his brilliance is gonna show
Turns out a be-paned portal
Is simply a window

Yes his friends have many stories
And hope for many more
Take us to the river any time
You lovely old man-whore

If Bob and Tom knew my friend Al
They'd have many a tale to tell
A shining example in the human race
We'll never say farewell
We'll never say farewell

Your'e WELcome.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

"You Know You're Getting Older When Your Idea of Going Out Is Sitting On the Patio!"

Latest bday tributes / Updated 7/23/10:

"Al, we wish we could be there to celebrate with you. You've been a great friend, an inspiration and an amazingly good example of a human being. WE love you AL!" -- Gregg Wortham

"Hello and happy birthday from Amsterdam, Al Fish! We wish we were there to celebrate with you, but alas....we're in Europe! We'll raise a glass (or 10) in your honor!! Miss you." ---Anne & Rick

"Albert! Earl! Fish! I am desolately bereft, or is that bereftly desolate(?) not to be in town right now, but am sending you all kinds of stupendously awesome birthday ju ju! Vermillion would be so much drabber and wit-less without you, and I couldn't be happier to know you. Have a beautiful birthday!!!!" -- Lee Ann Roripaugh

"Oh frabjous day, calloo, callay! You are an inspiration, Al! I wish I had your gifts of joy and pleasure." -- Lucy Vilankulu

"Shouldn't that be the Earl of Fish? Happy bday, Al!" -- Marcela Remund

"I would LOVE to be there! Can somebody give me a ride? Heidi???" - Elyse Arring

Various tributes from the Al's 50th Birthday Shebang Facebook Wall:

"gol dang sonofagun. so sad to miss it. :(" -- Lindy Obach

"I thinkBonnie and I can make it for awhile." -- Mark Winegar

"I'm so sad not to make it!" -- Lucy Vilankulu

"Dognubit. Sometimes, on rare occassions, I long for the Dakota. Case in point: anything Al-related. Luckily he was just here to hang out.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AL!!(Oh right, he can't see this, the damn facebook-phobic)"
-- Noelle Kurth

"Joyful and Frentic Flurbengrubers of the Day, Fishy! (or something like that)

"Aw man, I wish I could be there! Too late to swing it though. :-/" -- Christopher Paul Severson

"sure wish we could makeit! Love you Al, hope you have a Terrific time!!" -- Tinea Graham

"May you celebrate your day gayly, Mr. Fish!" -- Matt Wencl

"Who could resist sitting out on the patio?" -- James Clemetson

"My dear Al! Happy, happy birthday. Wishing you a fabulous day. Love and miss you. Hugs!" -- Jennifer Gaspers

"Happy Birthday Al!! Wish I could be there to celebrate with you. Have an amazing day." -- Annette Gaspers

"happy birthday mr. fish. i so wish i could be there. love love" -- Heidi Iverson

Al Fish's 50th Birthday Shebang
Friday, July 23 --- 5-8 pm
Carey's Bar Patio
18 Main St.
Vermillion, SD

Al Fish on display and cake on hand.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

This is How We Spent the 4th of July Weekend

Rox, Mary and I went to Howard SD and watched my friend's daughter take the stage and sing 'At Last' with her dad and his friend on guitar, her uncle on bass and her cousin on drums.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Mary, Roxy and I Had a Bit of a Hootenanny This Weekend


Kaw Region Art Park...K.R.A.P.
(But one man's K.R.A.P. is another man's dream)

Here I am at my Valhalla, Truckhenge

Here is Jeff, the fellow who introduced me to my possible future.

This is Ron Lessman, the man who seems to be living the life I was meant to live.

One of the trucks that comprise Truckhenge

But Truckhenge is more than just trucks, here is Boathenge

There is so much more to see, the Bone trailer, the huge paintings he has done on old tent fabric, and his is a 50 ft. Quonset hut that has a second floor comprised of old mobile home chassis with an elevator made from a forklift.

check out the website:

Just To Prove That I Listen To Music From This Millennium

Here I am singing a song by a band called 'Blind Pilot'

Check out their version at this website:

Saturday, July 3, 2010

We're taking Mom & Jim to Chef Louie's for dinner tonight

Morrissey Double-Shot!!

And it's from ME, not from Jefe!! . . . I KNOW!! Whodathunkit??

One is kinda of depressing (it's MORRISSEY, people!), but the other one is a upbeat, kicky little number.

. . . I like songs about crim'nals.