Monday, February 21, 2011

Much Nanny Was Hootened

First we got married in a fever...

Then Ericka insisted that we NOT get married...

We may just be 'Driftwood'...

But ultimately 'We Become Silhouettes'

It seems that Bobcat Goldthwait and Catherine Hepburn are touring as the band 'Bobkate Hepthwait.' They stopped by and insisted on recording their own version of 'Jackson.' I insisted on not posting it, but they pulled some of their typical 'Do-You-Know-Who-We-Are?' Star here it is.


Boomer said...

Ya HOOT! Thanks for recording these moments before a couple of somebodies run away to Iowa.

Can't say as having two versions of Jackson available will prevent me from requesting it in public. Repeatedly. With increasing volume should the band prove hard of hearing. But, it's good to have them. I was having a hard time explaining how funny things are when Kate and Bob say them.

Jefe said...

Wow! That's some fancy-pants video editing SEOHP!