Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Another Reason to Like North Dakota

Theodore Roosevelt National Park is a gorgeous refuge for wildlife and people looking for low-population-density breathing room. This year is particularly lush due to them getting more than their rightful share of rainfall, unlike their dry dry southern cousins in the Black Hills.


mully said...

someday i hope to visit North Dakota, if i am ever that lucky.

Lu said...

My farm is about 20 miles from the ND badlands. You are all welcome to come eat sandwiches, listen to records and play darts in the basement, and then drive on out to the badlands.

You must hike up Wind Canyon and Buckskin Hill.

Boomer said...

I don't know where those places are, but I would like to hike them if you think I should.

Would the sandwiches happen to involve sunbutter?

mully said...

wow, that would be so cool. is this invite just for me and boomer? ('cause take it from me, you have to be careful who you invite to your house) i will bring the sunbutter. that would be a dream come true. i think i might love north dakota.