Saturday, February 25, 2012

Because the Night

I know that Roxy has been doing this song for several years already. So I thought if I was going to 'wow' anyone with my interpretation, it would be crucial that I:
(1)upload my version before she uploads her's
(2) pepper it with a creepy yet compelling video effect
(3) give it my patented segue spin.
This time my segue is based on the premise that Bruce Springsteen refused to co-write a song with Patti Smith once he discovers that she is a girl. (We have all seen 'Jersey Shore', we know how sexist all guys from New Jersey are.) He'd be all like,"Pat, the guy with the hairy armpits, is a GIRL!?! No way, I'm outta here!" So Patti would have to call in a fellow 'riot grrrl' to help finish writing the song. And I think the results would sound a!

1 comment:

superbigmuch said...

I love this. I love how the doubling effect makes it look like you're playing some ancient South American mountain stringed instrument.

The shrunken pinhead ending is my pretty much one of my favorite things in the world. It's very "Beetlejuice."