Sunday, June 1, 2008

South Dakota "just not that into" expatriate

On a recent visit to her home state, Molly Wortham was shocked at the chilly reception she got from "the sunshine state".

"South Dakota and I go way back, I mean we lived together for multiple decades, and I am a little taken aback by the cold shoulder I got on my latest visit. I go there a couple times a year to reconnect, but this time i think South Dakota might be trying to tell me something. I got better treatment from Nebraska, and I was only with Nebraska for 4 years. I don't know why South Dakota could not just come out and say that it does not want me back. "

Wortham plans on making 1 more trip to try to mend fences with South Dakota, but she is realistic about the prospect.

"Seems to me South Dakota is always running hot and cold, I am going to be a little more careful with my timing, but I do realize that this might be the end of our relationship as we knew it. Maybe we can still be friends, I just don't know. Time will tell I guess. Hopefully next time I see South Dakota, things will have warmed up."


Boomer said...

Don't give up on SD, mully. It's always been a place of extremes. It really is a question of timing. February is often nice in the hills.

Jason said...

I'm not going to say Vermillion isn't part of SD, but if you are going to level threats and be semi mysterious about your activities, you ain't SD anyway and East River is really just MN west. So... I won't finish that last sentence.

mully said...

j, trying to stir up some east/west shit...i like it.
if being SD means having to be semi-unmysterious about one's activities, well, i am not sure i can sign up for that.

Jeff Hansen said...

South Dakota DOESN'T want you!!! But Kansas does! Come to Kansas where you can be pelted by 4" hail stones. One night and Kansas and you will go running home to your so called inhospitable SD.