Thursday, August 1, 2013

It's A Golden Age MashUP!!

...but what song is it mashed with?  What song? What?  You'll have to watch to find out!  And  YES, this video is 8 minutes long!  HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!  Oh.  Bejimber me timbers.


shining example of human potential said...

hmmm, i wonder if mike would enjoy playing some gonzo lead over 'purple rain' when you come to visit soon. (oops, *spoiler alert* the song at the end of this video is 'purple rain' everybody)

mully said...

we will need to keep him up all night....

Jefe said...

Yes, I hope Mike can join us with his awesome leadiness. Can you believe Purple Rain and Golden Age have the same chords?! I could not believe it when I discovered it...hence...mash-up.

shining example of human potential said...

it's a shame that 'Golden Rain' sounds so dirty and this is such a family friendly blog.