Sunday, January 6, 2008

It was no way to start the new year...

We have made it through our first severe weather. It has taken everything I have to force my little feet into socks for the past few days, the seemingly endless soupmaking, the curling up under flannel sheets, braving those first 5 minutes before the car warms up, it was all too much. The sadness of having to look at my frost-bitten bouganvillia was almost more than I could bear. That is why I just have not been able to post lately. But things are looking up, it is back to the 80's and sunny so now you can look forward to some more posts!


Jeff Hansen said...

i thot you lived in florida!!!! how cold was it? 50? waa waa waaaaaaaaa

Jeff Hansen said...

i thot you lived in florida!!!! how cold was it? 50? waa waa waaaaaaaaa

Jeff Hansen said...

having blogging difficulties!

mully said...

it was freezing in the night, and it was like 38 when i got up.