Thursday, January 3, 2008

Politics & Football

I'm sort of watching the IOWA caucus results. Its amazing how all the candidates I have heard speak can actually speak. No more George dumass Bushes. Now I'm watching a football game...gag. Nelson has control of the remote. KU vs VT. Now he is clapping. Is this the most useless post ever. Oh yes, thot I should tell you all that I jogged for 30 minutes this afternoon.


suspiciously pleased said...

hey botanyboy . . . no blog post is EVER useless . . .

i LIKE knowing that Nelson is clapping for the football game!

Jeff Hansen said...

Now I feel like I can blog day in and day out. I just created two more blogs. One is titled fun with jeff. I love that name.

superbigmuch said...

I don't know who Nelson is. And frankly, I don't know who this "Jeff" is anymore.