Thursday, May 20, 2010

Jefe and Ericka's Original Song

Here we have it, some video footage from the rollicking time we had at Tim and Suzi's this weekend. Thanks for inviting us out to your farm both Friday and Saturday, it was a great time!

It is cool to hear an original from our tribe, maybe this will get us all to start writing again, and we will get some more original material on the HIA. How 'bout it gang? Jefe and Ericka have thrown down the gauntlet!


Boomer said...

Thanks for posting. That's a fun song and a reminder of a really lovely weekend. Shout out to Tim and Suzi for all that hosting.

suspiciously pleased said...

Oh yeah, right!! Like ANYone could follow THAT performance???

You just want to watch us try and fail, try and fail, don't you SEOHP? Just so you can remind us of how awesome Ericka and Jefe are:

"Um, yeah, Roxy . . . I can see what you're TRYING to do? But notice how Ericka and Jefe actually put words together that are funny? Because they're clever? and kind of opposite? And also? They have voices that sound good? And they play ukulele and guitar well? . . . But you should keep trying . . . At least you're using words, instead of you're usual grunts . . . even if they're not clever or funny . . ."

shining example of human potential said...

Roxy, you stop tearing yourself down right now! Your grunts are VERY funny. (Just ask your precious Jay Leno, allegedly he would be the final arbitrator.)