Sunday, May 27, 2007

I'm in Fiji Bitches!

Well, not anymore, I lost my account password-so the true joy of telling you at the time is gone. Additionally I guess Denise figured it out before hand too. Oh yeah, Mully seems to have told Claude, and possibly Rene...well.

I'm Home now bitches!


The first image is the Google Earth satellite image of the beach where I stayed. I kayaked the coastline in that area and went snorkeling. There were tons of cool fish there (including clown fish-of Finding Nemo fame), iridescent blue starfish and many other colorful fish and reefs, urchins, sea snails and a school of flying fish!
The Second is from a ginormously bumpy road in Fiji. The driver was a true madman.

The third image is the view from the beach looking East. & #4

Ah, my home away from home-Gauguin never had it this good! Wicked rum and cokes + surly gin and tonics for everyone to wash away the taste of Kava. (I didn't have any though, I was too busy breaking a fever)

I did think of all of you while I was there, even as the room was spinning in a fever induced hallucination, I though..."Man I bet they are really having fun in South Dakota right now."

The Fijians were really nice people, I loved watching them fish, hear them sing, and watched them climb up coconut palm trees to get coconuts. Everybody seemed to be carrying a big machete so I felt a little left out though.

The geography there is amazing, huge hills rise from the lagoon. All of the hills reminded me of the un-excavated temples in Guatemala. The lagoon is protected by the sea wall/barrier reef (the white outline on the Google image) so the waters in the lagoon are pretty clear and calm. Perfect for the kayak and swimming.

More to post when I get the rest of my pictures from a friends computer. Ciao bitches!


Boomer said...


bukwessul said...

Oh yeah. If you look really closely on the top picture you can just make out my kayak and my skinny naked white ass mooning you...

superbigmuch said...

Gregory --

Way too fucking cool! AWE-some. And a kick-ass new job, too!

Um, sorry we had to kind of ruin everything by sending that bitch front your way...The damage caused by the bitch front was just too great, and just ask Claude -- FEMA's resources were tied up by the James River basin flooding.

bukwessul said...

Yes, thank you Katy. This probably explains why the throngs and masses weren't at the airport to greet me. It was just my parents in their azteec.