Monday, May 21, 2007

There's No Place Like Home

So here I sit, or rather stand. Frantically clicking my heels together...
Yet I guess when one is already in Kansas, one can't teleport. Is that the rule? Does someone know?
If I click my heels together can I bring people to Kansas? Is that possible? Can someone tell me? Who do I ask? The wizard? Where the hell does one find the wizard?

Oh the lowly state I'm in... I was excited, now I'm contemplating if buying these shoes in hopes of teleporting was a huge mistake. Buyer's remorse might be setting in because my hopes were just too high. Then again, maybe they're better as a street-corner, money maker...


Sassmaster said...

OOoo, peep toes! You've got it all over Dorothy.

Boomer said...

Teleporting capabilities or not, that's a kickass pair of shoes.

I'm nearly writhing in envy. Oh how I love sparkly things!

Dusty Hot-Box said...
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Dusty Hot-Box said...

Yes, peep toes and sparkly... I scored. I think I peed a little in the store when I found them. I've wanted ruby-red slippers pretty much my whole life. THEN upon moving to Kansas 10 years ago, it seemed like fate would deliver them to my doorstep, or at the very least under my house attached to a rotting corpse, but no such luck. . . until this past weekend. Not only do they beat Dorothy's shoes' ass (if shoes indeed have an ass - research is still being conducted), but I didn't have to pry them off a dead witch.