Friday, February 1, 2008

Beach Bunnies II: Where do Beach Bunnies Come From?

That is the kind of question one might ponder while staring at the sea from the beach, as people are fond of pondering while looking at the sea.

Where DO beach bunnies come from?

Like other people they start with a mom...

and a dad.

Beach bunnies begin with parents. Sometimes those parents are beach bunnies, too. Sometimes they're from the center of the continent and like to stay there, but sometimes they're beach bunnies.

See you all! Have fun! Stay tuned for more episodes of Beach Bunnies! (Note: I know it looks cold in these pictures, but they're from a couple of weeks ago. It' supposed to be in the 80's all week.)


Anonymous said...

wow, i can't wait to learn more about beach bunnies! what fascinating creatures!

Boomer said...

You are SO in luck!