Monday, February 11, 2008

On Sunday we explored a new beach.

It was ok.


shining example of human potential said...

how can i make this clearer to you...we don't have rox or denise here in south dakota. we have plenty of water to look at up here (at least we will once it melts)

please, more videos of the people we love, you can even have them on the beach cavorting with dogs!

mully said...

how can i make this clearer to you? there are plenty of pictures of rox and denise on the way. so many that you will be begging for pictures of calming water because these pictures will be so exciting.

mully said...

let me make it even clearer for you. what i mean by "on the way" will get those pictures as soon as i get my fucking Trainablez video.

suspiciously pleased said...

. . . i think what this makes clear to me is that SEOHP would rather have a picture of me than the real thing.

i can't really blame him though. a picture is a lot quieter. and doesn't smell as bad.

suspiciously pleased said...

and actually, i think Mully is just responding to suppy and demand . . . .

there is a very small supply. and an even smaller demand. One request - even if from the infamous --and bossy-- SEOHP, does not a demand make.