Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Guess What?

I now have digital video capabilities.


mully said...

and there are plenty more boring videos just like this for you all to look forward to...

Boomer said...

look out world.

Hotdogs said...

Hi M & B. Who is this little cutie patutie? Such a sweet little face.

Boomer said...

hi hd. that cutie patootie would be fidel; and don't worry, I'm sure you'll be seeing more of him.

shining example of human potential said...

you get a video camera shortly before your sister visits you and you waste the blog bandwidth on a DOG!?! i mean, really if i wanted to see a dog i would just go out and walk down the street. we have dogs in south dakota. what we don't have in south dakota (*sigh) is roxy (*sigh*)

for the time being could you send us more vids of roxy and the other s.d. ex-pat, denise, and less of your dog?

mully said...

for the time being, could you kiss my cute ass?

suspiciously pleased said...

. . . for those of you that don't know the history of my friendship with SEOHP . . . i think those *sighs* might be sarcastic.

or they might be *sighs* of relief.


Anonymous said...

For god's sake (note the small g) leave that poor dog alone. He looks like you just told him to say something interesting. You have abused that dog for the last time. I mean, he's boring and you just need to let him be boring. Asking him to say something interesting is a crime against nature and there is not enough nurture in nature to justify this unconscionable behavior. Shame.

Anonymous said...

On the other hand, go ahead. Make those demands of him (or her). It is how we all grow and how could you love a dog more that to raise its horizons with demanding expectations. But jeez, you could at least give him a biscuit.

