Tuesday, April 24, 2007

'Artist's Way' Group Meets, Discusses Vaginas and Monkey Sex

Julia Cameron (author of 'The Artist's Way') would be thrilled to know that her book has inspired local creative types to not only form their own support network, but also not limit their discussions strictly to 'art'.

After finishing their discussion on this weeks excercises, the group moved on to discuss gender roles and relationships, body imagine, hetrosexual porn, plastic-y poo, prolapsed anuses, vaginas and monkey sex.

"The crucial moment when we all had this intense epiphany, was when Krista was able to merge two separate streams of consciousness by bringing up the 'pussy-faced monkey' from National Geographic . . . we were all, like . . . wow. . . . you know. Brilliant. Simply brilliant. I think she going to be branching out doing monkey-faced vaginas. Just turning that shit on it's HEAD!" said, participant R. Abeln.

"I think this is gonna be the best "Artist's Way group ever!!"


mully said...

wow, first i was intimidated by the rocking now there is all this intelligentsia type conversation, i may have to call off this whole vermillion trip....

superbigmuch said...

Ooooooo....and we can make really cute baby tee's...

The merch possibilities for this po-po-po-mo high-concept "movement" or "happening" or "way of being" are positively endless....