Thursday, April 5, 2007

Clutter-Nut Seeks Help from Friends

Rapid City, SD-Trapped between an overwhelming desire to unclutter her life and a pathological inability to throw anything away, woman turns to friends for help.

Inspired by an "art happening" of an earlier decade, Denise Hardesty has begun putting her unwanted items into envelopes addressed to friends with the intention of mailing them.

"Granted it's more of a 'junk happening' and I'm not mailing to total strangers, but to people who know and love me, or at least talked to me in a coffee shop. After all if strangers call the cops because they receive really cool handmade original postcards from an unknown source, imagine what they'd do if they got an envelope full of broken jewellery or loose nuts and bolts? Not to mention all those used earplugs. No, I think I'm better off calling on the help of friends."


Unknown said...

DEarest Boomer,
I loved the postcard! No need to send more bolts-I haven't finished sorting the ones I I already had. If you do need to drop off bolts somewhere, I hear a librarian in your town could probably use them.

Hope you are well.

Boomer said...

No worries, Buk. You are safe where the librarian is not. Bolts land in the "too-heavy-to-possibly-justify-postage" category. Now if I just drive by and drop something off at someone's doorstep...

suspiciously pleased said...

i understood what was happening as soon as i opened the envelope . . . jonathan on the other had, was slightly disturbed. the english are a skittish people.

Boomer said...

i'm dying to know, s.p., what was your favorite? sorry to disturb your sweetie. i thought people liked getting things in the mail.

shining example of human potential said...

oooooooooh! i made the cut! i made the cut! i made the cut!!!!

i'm using the sports be-motifed ruler as a bookmark for the 'artist's way' book i'm reading....katy may eventually receive the ink pad, and i am reading one onion article a day until i get thru them all. thanks!