Sunday, April 15, 2007

Renee and Katy Really F-ing Rock

Hey kids -- Just saying hello and hoping you are all well. Spring done sprung today and we have some gore-gee-us weather going on.

Renee, I, and Lee, Lindy, Annie, Marcia, and Laura -- our lovely Vermtown English Dept. cohorts, recently attended a live musical performance by "Poison Stream" -- the band made up of USD English professors -- and they provided us with much music for to rock. They rocked with a few originals as well as covers ranging from Cracker, the Cure, and Johnny Cash, to T. Rex, Janis Joplin, and the Beatles.

They have a FOG machine, people. That's how much they rock.

And while Poison Stream did rock, I cannot say that they rocked harder than Renee and me. We REALLY presented our rock. Our rock was somewhat untouchable. We kept rocking after the band stopped playing, people. Such is the potency of our rock.

I hope that when certain Floridians come to visit, they will have the opportunity to rock with us. But be warned -- our rock can be a little intimidating. We just really, really f-ing rock.


Artichoke Heart said...

You and Renee so totally f-ing rock. I kneel in submission at your feet in homage to your total f-ing rockingness.

mully said...

gee whiz, i was planning a trip to vermillion, but it seems there may be an expectation of "rocking" i just don't know if my wimpy florida ass can handle this rocking-ness that seems ever so plentiful, i have to admit i am a little intimidated....maybe i will just go to omaha instead.

suspiciously pleased said...

do not be intimidated by our rock. while we rock hard and our rock is totally off the f--ing charts, wo do not expect others to live up to the level of our rock. that would be like Davinci expecting everyone to be able to paint the Mona Lisa. that's just unreasonable. we just expect people to join in and honor our rock.... AND NOT GET IN THE WAY.