Monday, April 2, 2007

Introducing Benjamin

Mr. Benjamin Wolfgang Batterham was born Monday 26 March, 7lbs - and 2 1/2 weeks early . That's his dad, Jon, holding him. Some of you may remember his mother, Danielle Franke, who grew up here in Rapid City. When I first moved to town she was one of Blaise Martin's roommates. She then went on to Africa (I can't remember where), Japan and back to Rapid. She now appears to have settled in London. Congratulations to Dani and Jon, and a hearty welcome to young Ben.


superbigmuch said...

Sigh. I just love the name Wolfgang.

I hope they call him Wolfgang. Then he will be in company with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and of course, Wolfgang Van Halen.

Unknown said...

hi people Ben is amazing he is the best.He is the best person in the world