Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Denise is probably a spy

After carefully weighing the information around in my suspicious little mind, I have come to the conclusion that I think Denise is a spy. Probably for the NSA or something. Follow me Gents and Ladies on a tour of the facts.
1. She has a job with benefits?
2. Full time job with a company or "organization" ? (she hasn't really explained it.
Fact # 3. Jason Walker (shrewd civic information gatherer) wasn't able to pry more than the merest murky details from her over casual conversation other than:
A) She has a company truck
B) She drives to work, and back in her "company" truck.
C) She probably has dark sunglasses and a briefcase (sure key element for any spy)
D) Its' just plain odd for someone to have a good job in South Dakota or Whyoming.
E) Codename "Boomer". (wonder if this gives a little insight into her real job.
F) I'm going to switch back to numbers now.
4) There are probably many more subtle clues for those of you that have the opportunity to study her moves.

I won't call it spying, I only ask this of you patriotic citizens out there-keep an eye out and let me know what she is up to...

and Boomer if you ever read this-we're on to you.

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