Sunday, June 10, 2007

Spy? You Decide

In reference to an earlier polemic regarding my probable status as a spy, I would like to clarify the "murky details" of my recent employment.

1. While I wouldn't say the job came with no benefits, holidays and health care were not included.

2. The job was for a private company, rife with engineers and computer wizards, who subcontracted for another private company primarily peopled with ex-military E.O.D guys who contracted with the Army Corps of Engineers who are reponsible for cleaning up the old Pine Ridge Bombing Range.

3. I did wear dark glasses which were part of my required PPE (personal protective equipment). Also included in my PPE were company-purchased work gloves and composite-toe boots.

4. I did not carry a briefcase, however the company did supply a laptop which came in a black case that could perhaps be mistaken for a briefcase.

5. I did drive a company truck, a Ford F-250 pick-up. Sometimes I rode with other company employees in their company trucks.

6. I was not discreet. I found it highly entertaining, when asked what I was doing, to answer, "I look for bombs."

7. The assignment has already concluded. I had to give back the truck and the laptop, but I got to keep the boots and gloves. The dark glasses were mine to begin with.


bukwessul said...


suspiciously pleased said...

my question is . . . if she was a spy, wouldn't she post something like this to divert our attention?

mully said...

excellent point. she's good.

bukwessul said...

That explains why you are "suspiciously" pleased I suppose...I dunno, I am going to take Boomers side on this one. Any job where you get to keep your boots and gloves is an honest job.