Monday, March 26, 2007

Local Woman Has No Plans to Visit IKEA This Fall

Upon hearing the news that there would be 2 IKEAS opening in Florida this fall, Lakeland resident Molly Wortham announced she has no plans to go there even though there will be one that is only 45 minutes away from her front door. "I am afraid that even though we have a pickup truck, I just can't be bothered to go that far for chic,well designed, and inexpensive home goods. "


superbigmuch said...


I would love to have the luxury of being so world weary.

Would you drive 45 minutes to the Pamida?

Sassmaster said...

Meanwhile your sister has composed a song about the lack of IKEA. You're just rubbing her nose in it. Dang!

Boomer said...

I don't understand why someone who works in a Thrift Store would ever want to shop in another store anyway.

mully said...

Pamida! now you're talking, we do not have those here. i would have to fly to sd to partake of that, truth be told i know i will be going to that ikea, even though it will be crazy with people all the time, i won't be able to help it. finally i will get to try those swedish meatballs i have been lookin at in the catalog, they don't ship those you know. and denise, my thrift store is pretty good, but we don't have everything.