Monday, March 12, 2007

Long Term Forest Service Employee Looking for New Job, or, Slacker Seeks Mystic Revelation in Sunshine

After working year round for 3 consecutive years, I find myself unemployed. This may be the first summer in 11 years that I don't work for the Forest Service. Perhaps it will be a liberating experience.

I have much to contemplate. It is supposed to reach 80 degrees here today, so I think it wise if I head to the Cathedral Spires for a little meditation on rock and perhaps unveil the path to my future. HIA News will get the scoop when such mysteries are solved.


bukwessul said...

If that rock helps to see the future in employment, can you see mine too when you are up there? Its' the tall skinny one.

Seriously, good luck with that.

mully said...

how did that work out denise? did you get a revelation yet?