Monday, February 12, 2007

Another Question

Why are librarians so bitter?


superbigmuch said...

It's like I've always said, if only you could take the "public" out of Public Library. . . .

mully said...

so why then would we have these libraries? would the librarians just be guarding the books?

Jason said...

Fools. You know nothing of the commitment to the public and the policy making. We're not working for dollars, we are working hard to mak you hard working relevant.

Quit asking questions you don't want answered.

suspiciously pleased said...

Amen to that, my librarian brother. plus, you'd probably be bitter too if you had to deal with pre-teens all hepped up on red bull and mountain dew and had toddlers pooping between the stacks . . . yeah. yeah. that really happens! sucka, you ain't ready for this librarian jelly.

Anonymous said... you really want me to link you to a little saga known as 'the tale of piss-yphus'?
cuz it really sounds like you are...yeah, it really sounds like you're asking for it....

yeah, you librarians sure do have it ruff.