Friday, February 16, 2007

Now My Darlings We Will Visit the Swamp

Visitors to Chez Wortham can also expect a tour of the local swamp, where delightful sights abound. Your guide Gregoire is sure to illuminate all the points of interest(mostly gators) Look out for chiggers!


superbigmuch said...

Have you ever taken anyone into the swamps who . . . didn't come out?

Unknown said...

As this is a public forum I feel we have a need to address the concerns that have been raised. "out there" on the internet ther are rumors that the Beautiful Florida wetlands are actually the "New Badlands" thinnly transposed, these allegations are of course untrue.

The wetlands of Florida are teaming with wildlife-beautiful butterflies, cute lil' ol' deer (about as big as Rosa, and a host for many other wonderful organisms. To imply that this is a place where one goes on a one way trip is preposterous. Thank you.

P.S. Ixna noa heta adlandsba atyka - we are trying to get Al to visit.

superbigmuch said...

Why don't you want Al to know about the one way trips into the wetlands? Huh? Wha?

suspiciously pleased said...

has anyone else noticed the barely concealed terror and resigned desperation in the eyes of 'the visitors'??

Unknown said...

The photograph on the bottom is of me an Erturk walking down the interstate to Disney. We only live a few miles from the majic castle. We were hoping a farm cart or airboat would give us a lift. The last one passed us...

Unknown said...

From the bottom up. The next picture is the shortcut to Disney Renee. You only have to find the high spots-an' mind them chiggers!

The next is Mr. Hanson-who is standing in a pile of fire ants-they swarmed his sandaled feet so bad we had to crop the photograph-unfortunately it also cropped out the quicksand he is stuck in-looka' that tho-he's still holdin on to a lil' branch-we were too busy laughing at his misery to offer any real help.

This picture is the beautiful "prarie" out here. snakes.

Me and Jason trying to see which will win-the alligator or the python. shure was a long snake.

gator won. Jason owes me .25 cents.

Chicks on the corner-same as any city I reckon.