Thursday, February 8, 2007

Biblical Clairity

Howdy folks!
With Ramses the talk of the town I thought I could use this as an excellent opportunity to show just what a damned good Christian I am. additionally I thought I could sweep up to the moral high ground and look down upon all you lowly sinners and your wicked, wicked ways-cause you know Jesus loves everyone-but I'm His favorite.

Behold! Rendered masterfully in fine highly detailed (yet still perfectly understandable for all of you non arty folk) sculpture are the exciting (and completely true) biblical stories you have either come to know and love or cower in fear of our precious savior. Each vignette a purpose filled moral lesson told from a marvelous medium.

I present to you-to save your souls-

The Right Reverend Buk Wessul


suspiciously pleased said...

man. those lego guys make biblical testimonials so much easier to understand. all i heard from my sunday school teachers and paster was 'blah blah bla . . Jesus . . .blah blah blah sin . . .blah blah blah eternal damnation . . ." i guess i'm just a visual learner. who knew the bible was so exciting . . . it should be made into a movie!

superbigmuch said...

I say, Brick Testament, "Let my Little People go!"

Unknown said...

Great points Suspiciously pleased, I think lego is currently working on a Mel Gibson lego person to bring that dream into a reality! Praise him.!

I agree Katy. However the Lego God may not be as friendly as ours-stay tuned.

Boomer said...

How did you find that?

Unknown said...

I wish I had a better story, but I recieved "The Brick Testament" for Christmas one year. I have kept up with it since then. Good stuff!