Showing posts with label Mully. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mully. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Beach Bunnies, 2010

It was a chilly winter season for the Beach Bunnies. Note the sad smile here at Port Charlotte Beach, Florida. FLORIDA! for Pete's sake. In the middle of March!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The State of Things in Lakeland

Dogs, Foo Fighters, and lounging.

(The sound is subpar on my camera -- turn it all the way up!)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I'm not that sure about alot of things,

but I do know this, men really seem to like gravy.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Greggers and I don't have much use for living room furniture,

but our dogs seem to enjoy it, so we keep some around.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Manifestation of Tito

now, not quite 1 year and 65 pounds later, this is what Tito became.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fort De Soto Park, it is a pretty nice ride.

First in my new series of Florida bike path reviews is Fort De Soto Park. It is a county park, undeveloped, the best kind of beach area. The bike path within the park is about 6 miles one way. What I like best about it is that at some spots the landscape could be almost anywhere. It is just land and sky. and then you go around a turn and you get a view of the water. At the end of the path is a pretty cool view of the Sunshine Skyway bridge. Highly recommended.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Party On

It seems a shame to knock the Phallic Phrog out of the top spot, but the people demand party pics. Go here for the family-friendly version. HIA is where things get a little blue.

"Sounds like a bash only losers would miss."

Thursday, January 8, 2009

In Celebration of the Day

you may want to check out these tribute collages...

Saturday, December 27, 2008

the unbearable cuteness of Tito-monster edition

so, it turns out that puppies will grow....
and that they will also start chewing on your house.. and your other dogs.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Local Chug and Cohort Not Too Happy About Latest Pet Aquisition

Once secure in his place in the world, Fidel the chug is singing a different tune today. His home has been invaded by another pet. He did not take seriously the warnings about how he was really off his cute game, and how he was "getting too big to cuddle".Here are a few photos that reveal the depth of Fidel's concern. Next up: you will see the reason for his troubled thoughts, and believe me, he should definitely be worried. Also for the record, his cohort Rosa is not too thrilled either.

Monday, June 16, 2008

this is it

the 300th post to the HIA news!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

South Dakota "just not that into" expatriate

On a recent visit to her home state, Molly Wortham was shocked at the chilly reception she got from "the sunshine state".

"South Dakota and I go way back, I mean we lived together for multiple decades, and I am a little taken aback by the cold shoulder I got on my latest visit. I go there a couple times a year to reconnect, but this time i think South Dakota might be trying to tell me something. I got better treatment from Nebraska, and I was only with Nebraska for 4 years. I don't know why South Dakota could not just come out and say that it does not want me back. "

Wortham plans on making 1 more trip to try to mend fences with South Dakota, but she is realistic about the prospect.

"Seems to me South Dakota is always running hot and cold, I am going to be a little more careful with my timing, but I do realize that this might be the end of our relationship as we knew it. Maybe we can still be friends, I just don't know. Time will tell I guess. Hopefully next time I see South Dakota, things will have warmed up."

Sunday, May 11, 2008

I wonder what the sock/bug situation will be like in South Dakota?

Last year I don't think I had to wear socks...though it did get rather chilly a couple times. I remember the bug bites though, and I will be bringing bug repellent.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sock Aversion Disorder Case Turns up in Michigan

Short term Florida resident Denise Hardesty found herself complaining about having to wear socks one chilly Michigan May morning. Though she only resided in Florida for 4 months, she had quickly become a delicate tropical flower. "We do occasionally see this happening with stays of short duration," said sock-free lifestyle advocate Molly Wortham "Unfortunately for Ms. Hardesty, there is no known cure for this condition. That is, except to move to Florida."

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Long Lost Quotes from the HIA of Yesteryear (or at least temporarily misplaced and ignored)

"Yeah, me and my dog keep everyone in stitches" -molly

"I can't remember if I licked anything really cold; and I know I
never picked up a porcupine." -Claude


"We didn't have nintendo--we just hurt each other."

"By all rights, Pat shouldn't even like us."
"No, he should shoot us on sight."

"My life is so much simpler now that I no longer work in human services."

Monday, April 21, 2008

and Denise asked about the tequila before she made a drink

"I don't want to use up your special tequila."
silly Denise, there is no tequila too special for you.