Tuesday, September 29, 2009

HIA and HIA-related Literati Do Northern Hills

Superbigmuch and her merry band of poetrix friends will be in Spearfish-Deadwood area for the Western Literature Association Conference and South Dakota Book Festival, Wednesday, Sept 30 - Monday, Oct 5.

I'm presenting a paper on the author Sui Sin Far entitled "Edith Maud Eaton: Myth or Mythbuster? Outsider Privilege, Insider Meta-Discourse, and the Construction of Chineseness as Sui Sin Far." My only regret is the too-short title.

Lee Roripaugh, Lindy Obach, Marcella Remund of USD and Pen Pearson of Northern State will be reading No-SoDakia outlaw cowgirl, naughty lapsed Catholic, nature gender sex-centric poetry for the modern aging woman in a panel at the conference.

Any HIA-er's in the area should come and see us, hear us, or at the very least do shots with us. Jason Walker, Rapid City Librarian?


mully said...

sounds rockin' wish i could be there

superbigmuch said...

We do too!

Boomer said...

It does sound fun. Looking forward to a report or some video footage. I heard a rumor the librarian was going up there.

superbigmuch said...

Ya know, outside the No. 10, I gotta say Costner's casino was one of the best -- quite classy, excellent and attentive service. Color me surprised.

suspiciously pleased said...

Hope you guys had a fantastic time and rocked the literati world!

How did your paper go down? Smooth as 15 yr old scotch? (I have no idea what I'm talking about with the Scotch reference, btw.)

Jason said...

Very sorry I missed you. I was there Friday only. Next time, call me, please.