Thursday, April 1, 2010

This One Gets Kinda Psychedelic

I seem to be foisting an embarrassment of output upon you folk. I was going to wait for Roxy, Buck, Jefe, Ericka , or Mary to post before I put anymore songs up. I wanted to just prime the pump of our creativity and then sit back and watch. But fortuitous serendipity entered my world while i was playing around with the video effects on my editing program. I just had to share it with all y'all immediately. What are the chances that i would have my guitar sound hole at the very center of the video frame at the same time i discovered the 'mirror lens' feature?
If you look at the reflected highlights on the guitar, it looks like a lil' ol' teddybear singing the song. (but it wasn' was really me.)


mully said...

you are too cute

shining example of human potential said...

hey, molldoll, how 'bout posting some action video of you and Elvis? isn't he trained to do tricks and shit?