Friday, July 23, 2010

Fifty Years of Laughter, Tears, Dry Humping

He lives in a trailer in Vermillion town
Decorated by the Civ
Weekends spent in Dr. Gilbey's spa
Renew your will to live

If Bob and Tom knew my friend Al
They'd have many a tale to tell
A shining example in the human race
We'll never say farewell

Have you heard the tale of Pissyphus
When pee came out of the wall?
Or the workouts in the Jim-nasium
A banging time had by all

He's a friend to bears everywhere
They are his choice of beau
But black kids should be aware
He's fond of the word "Negro"

What he'd do to the baby Jesus
is illegal in some states
But he wrote an ode to Ms. McNicol
And his Brandy takes the cake

Passive aggression is a big pastime
You’ll feel its sting someday
He’s certain that wood paneling
Looks like a va-jayjay

He always gives fair warning
When his brilliance is gonna show
Turns out a be-paned portal
Is simply a window

Yes his friends have many stories
And hope for many more
Take us to the river any time
You lovely old man-whore

If Bob and Tom knew my friend Al
They'd have many a tale to tell
A shining example in the human race
We'll never say farewell
We'll never say farewell

Your'e WELcome.


superbigmuch said...

Soooooooooooo good!

While it is all quite genius, I particularly love the asides!

Thank you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Simply Brilliant! ~EG

shining example of human potential said...

i am absolutely speechless, but if i could speak, i would say, (and i quote),"gawd! i love you guys so damn much right now!"

shining example of human potential said...

honestly, i can't tell you how speechless i am. but if there were words to tell you how this song is easily on par with the likes of 'if i had a million dollars' by the bare naked ladies, i would use those word to tell you that right now! really...your asides are as good if not better than those of known canadians!

Sassmaster said...

That's so funny that you say that. I actually was thinking about suggesting an "If I had a million dollars" song structure to Roxy at one point. But since this is the first song of a potential rock opera, we can always work on that. I'm glad you liked it, hon. We love you so much!!