Saturday, August 27, 2011

Red Right Ankle

This is the story of being drunk. On life. On successful shopping expeditions. On friends. On Fart Walkers (Sr and Jr. Aka Jason and Justin). On Turdsy Flaherty Beem. On being rock stars. On ass kickery.

And Gin.


shining example of human potential said...

yes! thank you thank you thank you! it looks like so much fun. i miss you guys! and, just as i suspected, i like roxy's version of 'red ankle' much better than the original. (i am going to youtube to check out '$1ooo wedding', but i am sure i will prefer mary's version as well.) thank you for introducing me to these two great songs!

shining example of human potential said...

well, i'm disrespect to gram, but *yawn*. mary really delivered on the plaintive vocals needed to sell the performance. i usually like gram parsons...but i couldn't even get thru his version of the song (it turns out i own a copy of the song but it never made much of an impression on me until i heard mary's version.)